Today’s travelers expect more from your travel program and the company, including a strong emphasis on work-life balance, safety, and the ability to book travel on their terms. They are also increasingly conscious of traveling sustainably and integrating personal vacation time with business trips. They want to feel valued and see their personal values reflected in your travel policies.
However, 91% of business travelers have faced flexibility restrictions over the last year.
As economic factors come into play, companies are tightening budgets and returning employees to the office. Some are even cutting back on travel benefits such as the ability to add personal days to a trip, or pay more for direct flights vs. indirect. Recent statistics show:
42% of business travelers believe their company prioritizes cutbacks over travel flexibility.
Despite these challenges, travel managers aim to advocate for their employees. Business travel doesn’t have to be stressful or rigid. By focusing on flexibility and building trust, you can create a positive travel experience that enhances employee satisfaction and promotes better compliance with company policies.
Download our tipsheet to discover how you can provide better guidance and build stronger employee trust in your travel program.